Monday, July 27, 2009

People Who Have Awesome People

Note: all names in this post are possibly misspelled, because they are awesomely crazy names and I am dumb. Also, I may possibly confuse several marital/social relationships. Forgive me, I am dumb, as previously stated.

I'm a person who doesn't like change. AT ALL. I find something I like and I stick with it through hell and high water; when that stuff gets taken away somehow, I am not happy. In fact, I am closer to ESTHER SMASH RAAAAH than I am to ESTHER IS QUITE MIFFED.

But if there is one aspect of my life I'm glad has changed and yet stayed wonderfully the same, it's the Gregory family.

My dad met Probyn Gregory when they were fourteen/thirteen, at their music camp, Merrywood. They became friends and soon started visiting each other. I guess it was about that time when Dad found out that Probyn's family was a little...unorthodox, shall we say (in the very, very best sense of the word). Probyn had five siblings: Cady (Cadigan), Bran (Branwyn), Ro (Rohan), Wusky (Erophan), and Tal (Taliasen). His mother, Mary, was married to David; her earlier husband was Probyn and Cady's father, while David was Bran, Ro, Wusky, and Tal's father. This family lived in upstate New Hampshire. And they were insane.

You think I'm kidding? Oh no. They were literally as insane as they come. They were also a group of the most wonderful and incredible individuals I have ever met.

Almost forty years later, my dad and Probyn are still close friends. The Gregory family is basically my family; if you asked me what my relationships to them are, I would answer honestly that they feel like a bunch of aunts and uncles, and in some ways more than that. The same goes for Sean (Cady's husband), Kelly (Bran's husband), Julia (Probyn's wife), Heidi (Tal's wife) and Susan (Ro's wife). Loey (Loica), Cady's daughter, and Aimen, Bran's son, feel like my younger cousins.

I am so, so, so happy to be a part of the Gregory family. They are such wonderful people, and have been since they first met me...which was when I was born. Growing up, they were always there, popping in and out of my life and making everything that much better. Seeing Loey grow up has been insane; she's so mature and lovely now, and I remember her when she was a hyper little kid who wouldn't stop bugging me to play hide and seek. Aimen...well, my first memory of him is watching Bran's change his diaper when he was months old, and now he's six and a half. Crazy, I tell you!

The antics among those people are rather epic. But that's a story for another time, because I'm so tired my brain is melting. More tomorrow. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. We don't choose our families, but we do choose who we spend our families with.
