Monday, June 22, 2009

*twitch* FAMILY BONDING TIME *twitch*: Part I

About a minute ago, my little sister told me, "I'm building a stairway to heaven. With pennies!" She'd stacked up five little piles of pennies on the table: each pile was progressively a few pennies thicker than the one before it.

My response: "Thank god heaven is less than an inch off the tabletop."

We've been on Martha's Vineyard for about a day--got here midday yesterday and now it's mid-afternoon--and I am this close to throwing heavy objects at people's heads. They're my family and I love them, yes; but heavenly mother, there is only so much a human being can required to endure.

The drive to the ferry wasn't so bad. Mostly everyone read and we listened to Chopin. I fell asleep for an hour or so and then drank a triple mocha (mocha with three shots of espresso) so I was buzzing a little. The ferry: windy. Grey. Sticky. Not much fun. That's all.

At the cabin: started off good. I've been coming here for my entire life, my first visit was when I was in my mommy's tum. I love this place, and it's pretty much my second home. We were here last year--and by "we" I mean the Binstock-Maciak family--and it was stressful. Okay, but stressful. This year, it's not so much anger and yelling so far, just some stir-crazy and involuntary twitching.

My stepbrother is hiding in the loft kicking us all in the head. My little sister is alternately laughing like a hyena on meth and reading a book about fairies. My dad is aggressively "family oriented." My stepmother is...calm, which is weird. My stepsister and I are about to snap because it's raining so we're crammed in a rather small house with four people who are going to steal our sanity and feed it to the geese on the pond. HELP.

On the other hand, my dad bought liquor. Thank you JESUS, my fellow Jew buddy.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Martha's Vineyard...
    My grandpa lives there.
    Rather, my mother's father.
    Actually, he's more like someone only connected to me by genetic material.
    To some extent.
    I like Martha's Vineyard itself (once you get past the fact that half the people who live there are insanely wealthy celebrities), but I don't particularly like my grandpa.
    But I won't go into my family problems right now -instead I will be a good person and say that I'm really happy for you that you're having a relatively good time. It sounds fun, especially considering what you've posted previously about your family, which hasn't been so positive, so this must be a nice improvement. How long are you going to be on the Vineyard? (just curious)
