Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I Feel Dumb

You know, it's incredible how blind we can be sometimes: blind about ourselves, blind about the people around us, blind about the world around us. Today, I read the words of someone I've known since we were little. Like, really really little. And I was knocked off my feet.

This person can write beautifully. Not perfectly, but with a sincerity and poetry I never expected. I loved reading their words and finding this whole new mind that I'd never known about before. I've known them ever since we were little kids, and I didn't know. What's worse, I didn't suspect.

How is that: that we can not only fail to see the way people shine, but we can even convince ourselves that they DON'T? I'm so superior sometimes it makes me a little sick when I finally realize. I'm smart, okay, that's true. My dad's a frigging genius, he raised me well, and I know how to do math pretty fast and how to write nice sometimes. Does that give me the right to assume that everyone else can't keep up with me? I feel like such an uppity bitch. I mean, honestly, I'm no child prodigy. More than that, I'm a normal teenager. So is everyone else. We all have those things that can make other people drop their jaws. There is something amazing in everyone. And I'm an idiot if I forget that.

I think I have some deep-seated security issues. God damn it, I KNOW I do.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you said you live near Boston, and around here, we can be slightly elitist :)

    I do that, too. I know I'm smart, and I don't lord it over people, but in my head, I totally look down on other people for being, well, dumb. Whenever they do something to prove me wrong on that theory, I feel totally insecure.
