Saturday, June 13, 2009

Into The Sunshine

I think intimacy is the most sacred thing in the world.

When you know someone, and it's not just a front. When someone has seen parts of you that you keep hidden at all times, even if you're a very open--maybe too open--person. When a person is able to look at you and see something that nobody else does...because they can. And because you let them.

I am a strange person. As in the above, I write sentences in the 2nd person sometimes. I love to be with people, but I also love to be alone. I develop crushes on any man or woman in this world who has a Scottish accent. I love vodka and small quantities. I like to wear flip flops, even though I hate it when my feet get all dirty and yucky. I'm scared of swimming in the ocean or the sea or a river or something, because if a fish bit me (or even TOUCHED me) I would be utterly traumatized (she says sincerely). I can't look at another person without wondering how they look at me. I tell stories to myself in my head. I wish life were a movie, or at least a documentary with a really good soundtrack. I am jealous a lot of the time. I am unsure a lot of the time. I love cats and dogs, but I'm a little scared of dogs because when I was four, I was rolling on the grass in a park and a Great Dane puppy jumped on me. I miss opera, but not too much; mostly, I miss how happy I was there. I want to undo my mistakes right after I do them. I have a reel of Awkward Moments that plays in my head sometimes and still makes me cringe. I hate it when I grow apart from friends, even if I'm conscious that it's happening and I do nothing to stop it. I love musicals, but I feel like the genre is going downhill. I like wearing baggy clothes. I love the theater in every way, shape, and form. I want everyone to like me, and know that as long as that's not true I'll always be a little bit unhappy, if only deep inside myself. I can't wait to move out of my house; I have no idea what I'll do when that time comes. I can't imagine a world without my mom or dad. My sister is one of the few people in the world I worry about impressing. I want people in the future to know my name. I have a single Miley Cyrus song on my iPod. I know I have problems, but I know they'll work out in the end, because everything does; of course, that doesn't mean I won't have tons of new problems. I want to lose weight so badly. I have HUGE feet. I have ridiculously weird cuticles. My favorite musical/movie is RENT. I actually think that 42 is an important number. The one person I will always know and trust the most in the world is myself.

Now you know things about me. When we meet, if you can remember even one, that's intimacy. I said some things everyone knows, some things no one knows, and some things you might know. I wouldn't know.


  1. This blog post is wonderful.
    I completely agree.
    I feel like I know you better than I did before :)

  2. As Sierra said, that was a wonderful blog post.
    Now I have to bring it down to an unhappy note.
    Intimacy (not talking about romantic intimacy here) is risky. Oh, it's worth risking, otherwise your life will be superficial. But when you're so open with someone and then they let you down... it's like they took a part of you with them. Like you've lost a part of yourself.
    It's hard, having the person you hate the most be the one who knows you the best.

  3. esther, i read all of your posts (secretly). i wish i could write like you. so simply and yet so complex. i feel like i know you from your posts. i'm glad you are so honest.

  4. Glad to know you read, Meg. Although, you DO know me...and not just from my posts.
